How Biases Ruin Our Judgment Calls
Grant, a professor of psychology at Wharton admitted
how wrong he was to
pass up on the opportunity to invest in an online start-up selling
glasses. Because the company didn’t have a functioning website the
day before its launch and because other competitors were already
operating in the space, he didn’t invest. He thought their
procrastination showed a lack of commitment. But the company, Warby
Parker, went on to be recognised as one of the world’s most
innovative companies and was subsequently valued at over a billion
his later research into original thinkers, Grant found that
procrastinators are more creative than planners, and “improvers”
(those who enter an existing industry with an improved idea) have a
lower failure rate than “first-movers”. The founders of Warby
Parker weren’t dragging their feet; they were spending their time
thinking about bigger issues, such as how to make people feel
comfortable buying glasses online, not how to get online as quickly
as possible. It didn’t fit the mould of what Grant thought an
enterprising start-up should be at the time, but it worked.
calls are an art, much less a science. A judgment call is a decision
or direction taken at a particular point in time, in a particular
situation, which means it’s always highly contextual. There are no
perfect models for making good calls.
our lives are a product of past experiences, decisions, directions
and previous judgements. Our cognitive lens is laden with biases and
we tend to deeply associate with them. All of these aspects can play
a part in our decisions, which are more crucial today than ever
before. Leaders face multiple feedback channels and their decisions
will be remembered. What people most remember is the outcome of those
decisions and if they’re wrong, it’s going to stick.
can help. But in a complex workplace constantly at the mercy of
digital transformation and ever increasing diversity, experiences
based on fixed models of operating can become biases and therefore,
liabilities. While we can’t build a model for making decisions, we
can remove obstacles that will prevent us from making good ones.
is not effectiveness
of the things that most frightens leaders I coach is the fear that
they might be caught without a quick answer and lose their clothes in
front of everyone. The “imposter syndrome” haunts many a manager,
worried they’ll be exposed for the perfectly normal individual they
are and not the superstar saviour everyone expects. But there is no
law that says decisions need to be made on the spot.
manager can always ask for more information before making decisions
or better yet, pass some of the ownership for parts of the decision
back to the front lines. Ever more evidence suggests that distributed
leadership makes for better organisations and enables the leader to
spend more time thinking of the bigger picture than the nitty gritty
of everyday decision-making.
my executive search capacity, I was recently asked to fill the CEO
position of an automotive company. We examined CEOs from consumer
electronics, global MNCs, FMCG giants who all had successful
operational backgrounds, but when it came to the final decision, I
went against the company’s decision to fill the spot quickly with
one of the final candidates on the basis that they had never launched
new categories or sold products in a declining market. I recommended
that we should go back to the drawing board, despite my initial
recommendations. It was difficult for me and the company to accept,
but necessary for the long-term good of the company.
spending more time on the search, we not only found a better
candidate, but realised some additional qualities we hadn’t
originally deemed necessary, such as turnaround experience and the
ability disrupt existing operating models.
the whole, biases can help us make decisions with little effort. But
they can also blind us to new information or options. Let’s return
to Grant who exhibited signs of the “availability bias”, a
tendency to make a decision based on the information that comes to
mind most quickly, rather than on other evidence.
biases is much easier said than done. Studies
show that
training, education or even feedback on managers’ biases are not
effective. Biases operate on an unconscious level. Education doesn’t
change that. David Rock and Heidi Grant Halvorson of the
Neuroleadership Institute define
five types of bias:
- Similarity: “People like me are better than others”
- Expedience: “If it feels familiar and easy, it must be true”
- Experience: “My perceptions are accurate”
- Distance: “Closer is better than distant”
- Safety: “Bad is stronger than good”
overcome such biases, they recommend a mixture of methods for each
bias, but if we zero in on experience, the Achilles heel of many
managers because they fall back on it most regularly, they recommend
getting multiple other independent opinions and revisiting ideas
after a break to see them freshly before proceeding. When was the
last time you suspended a decision to seek alternative options or
just took a break from deliberating?
background, background
you’re making a hiring decision or having difficulty motivating an
employee, it might be best to delve into the subject’s recent past
to get a sense of their path and how they ended up in front of you.
This can dispel a large amount of assumptions and even challenge your
biases. What someone tells you they do in their spare time is usually
what they think is expected or accepted. What about personal
experiences? What about mistakes they’ve made in the past? There
could be more to a person’s actions than meets the eye. Spending
time to dig deeper can reveal a wealth of insights.
As Professor
Sumantra Ghoshal says,
creating the effective organisations starts with leaders creating the
right context. But this starts with creating the right context within
oneself. Creating processes in one’s own mind to consider all
information can help you overcome Rock and Grant Halverson’s
“expedience”, or the tendency to follow what feels familiar.
are an inherent part of our mental state and effective management
relies on self-awareness.
INSEAD Knowledge
How Biases Ruin Our Judgment Calls
Reviewed by Unknown
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
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